
What is Happening?

Amazon is testing a new feature for sellers that will let them contact customers by email to notify them of new products or sales.

The new email campaign option is a free service for sellers. And is currently only available to brands registered through Amazon's Brand Registry program. Amazon will tell brands how many customers have opted to receive the emails. Along with reporting on email metrics for the campaign.

But Amazon isn't giving sellers free access to users personal contact information. They will only be able to contact Amazon users who have chosen to follow a particular company. And Amazon will be the one to actually send out the emails (watch the video).

What Does it Mean?

With email already proven to drive repeat-purchase, this new test could prove to be very effective for brands.

And with Google and Facebook face increasing uncertainty with how they track users around the internet, allowing brands to deliver targeted communications via email will become more valuable.

šŸ“ˆ Amazonā€™s decision to let third-party companies contact shoppers is surprising. Amazon has long prevented businesses that sell on its site from soliciting customers directly. Keeping data such as their email addresses private. But with Shopify competing more with Amazon, it looks like the company is launching new tests to help sellers grow new product sales.

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